The newly formed Wilson Inlet Growers Group (WIGG) consists of 20 medium to large production farms throughout the catchment. We meet every couple months to explore different principles of regenerative agriculture such as stock health, carbon farming, rotational grazing, soil biology, dung beetles, water management and more.
Each meeting features a recognised industry expert on the discussion topic. Livestock vets, entomologists, agronomists and microbiologists will be on hand to present and answer questions so our farmers can have access to the best available evidence based science.
To extend the learnings from each of the 10 meeting we will be using an interpretative cartoon called ‘Dougie the Dung Beetle’. Doug will be a ‘fly’ on the wall at each meeting and deliver the key take away messages. Each edition will be fact checked by our program’s entomologist. A special thanks to the Denmark Bulletin, Plantagenet News and Farm Weekly for running this cartoon.
Each meeting features a recognised industry expert on the discussion topic. Livestock vets, entomologists, agronomists and microbiologists will be on hand to present and answer questions so our farmers can have access to the best available evidence based science.
To extend the learnings from each of the 10 meeting we will be using an interpretative cartoon called ‘Dougie the Dung Beetle’. Doug will be a ‘fly’ on the wall at each meeting and deliver the key take away messages. Each edition will be fact checked by our program’s entomologist. A special thanks to the Denmark Bulletin, Plantagenet News and Farm Weekly for running this cartoon.