WICC has funds for revegetation under the Royalties for Region's Health Estuaries WA (HEWA). This funding is to increase riparian vegetation along our creeks, streams and rivers which feed Wilson Inlet. The vegetation will help to minimise erosion and strip excessive nutrients so they do not contribute to further nutrient enrichment of Wilson Inlet.
The revegetation must be on a property which currently runs (or will be running) cattle. All planted trees must be native and maintained by the landholder (weeds, watering, etc.).
For further information please complete the form below. A Project Officer will get back to you and can perform a site visit. To learn more about the HEWA go HERE.
The revegetation must be on a property which currently runs (or will be running) cattle. All planted trees must be native and maintained by the landholder (weeds, watering, etc.).
For further information please complete the form below. A Project Officer will get back to you and can perform a site visit. To learn more about the HEWA go HERE.