Our Data
WICC has compiled a host of data which we are happy to provide to the public. Please email us and we will send you the pdf of any of the following:
Wilson Inlet Nutrient Reduction Action Plan (WINRAP)
Summary of Actions Draft for public and agency consultation prepared for Water and Rivers Commission Wilson Inlet Catchment Committee Wilson Inlet Management Advisory Group (Including Nutrient Map) - August 2002Updates: Wilson Inlet Nutrient Reduction Action Plan Operational Updates
Annual Reports:
A Numerical Study of the Water Quality in Wilson Inlet
Landuse and Nutrient Mapping for Wilson Inlet (2008)
WICC contracted environmental consultancy, Ecotones, to carry out nutrient mapping in order to identify and prioritise areas in the catchment for future works based on their nutrient carrying and export potential for impact on Wilson Inlet
Wilson Inlet Foreshore Flora Survey 2011 and 2016
The aim of these surveys was to monitor water level, flora species; diversity, abundance (or percentage cover), structure and bushland condition of vegetation along the Wilson Inlet foreshore to be used as a measure of one of the key parameters for determining the effects, if any, of the bar opening, timing and placement on the Wilson Inlet riparian flora. This survey also is being used to inform management in regards to anthropogenic access points and their effects on the fringing vegetation..
Hay River Weed Survey 2011
A report prepared for South Coast Natural Resource Management Inc. This survey revisited the APACE-Green Skills and Pen survey of the condition of the Hay River conducted in 1995.
Ground Water Monitoring
Wilson Inlet Groundwater Nutrient Monitoring - Draft Report 2007
Wilson Inlet Sandbar Management
Powerpoint presentation: History, options, DoW advice
Shapland Swamp
Wetland monitoring
Riparian Nutrient Management
Before and after riparian management: sediment and nutrient exports from a small agricultural catchment
Nutrient Status
Patterns of nutrient status and fertiliser practice on soils of the south coast of Western Australia
Ecological Water Requirements for Wilson Inlet
Powerpoint presentation: Environmental water requirements for priority water resources in the south coast region
Wilson Inlet and the catchment
Powerpoint presentation: Climate disruption; Rainfall and Riverflow; Biology in the Inlet; Future outlook
Climate Change
The impact of climate change on rainfall and streamflow in the Denmark River catchment
WINRAP newsletters
- WICC Proteacea Vegetation Survey 2016
- Summary of Wilson Inlet studies from 1994 to 1997
- Summary of the Estuarine Monitoring Programme Conducted in Wilson Inlet 1995 to 1998
- Summary of Wilson Inlet Catchment Monitoring Program
- Water Quality in the Wilson Inlet from 1995-2002
- Managing the Bar and the Inlet
- Ruppia in Wilson Inlet
- Wilson Inlet catchment water quality year to year
- Water Quality in Wilson Inlet from 2002 to 2006
Wilson Inlet Nutrient Reduction Action Plan (WINRAP)
Summary of Actions Draft for public and agency consultation prepared for Water and Rivers Commission Wilson Inlet Catchment Committee Wilson Inlet Management Advisory Group (Including Nutrient Map) - August 2002Updates: Wilson Inlet Nutrient Reduction Action Plan Operational Updates
- March 2005
- May 2005
- WINRAP Progress Report 2006
- Dec 2007
- Jan 2009
- Feb 2010
Annual Reports:
- Annual Report 2014
- Annual Report 2015
- Annual Report 2016
- Annual Report 2017
A Numerical Study of the Water Quality in Wilson Inlet
Landuse and Nutrient Mapping for Wilson Inlet (2008)
WICC contracted environmental consultancy, Ecotones, to carry out nutrient mapping in order to identify and prioritise areas in the catchment for future works based on their nutrient carrying and export potential for impact on Wilson Inlet
Wilson Inlet Foreshore Flora Survey 2011 and 2016
The aim of these surveys was to monitor water level, flora species; diversity, abundance (or percentage cover), structure and bushland condition of vegetation along the Wilson Inlet foreshore to be used as a measure of one of the key parameters for determining the effects, if any, of the bar opening, timing and placement on the Wilson Inlet riparian flora. This survey also is being used to inform management in regards to anthropogenic access points and their effects on the fringing vegetation..
Hay River Weed Survey 2011
A report prepared for South Coast Natural Resource Management Inc. This survey revisited the APACE-Green Skills and Pen survey of the condition of the Hay River conducted in 1995.
Ground Water Monitoring
Wilson Inlet Groundwater Nutrient Monitoring - Draft Report 2007
Wilson Inlet Sandbar Management
Powerpoint presentation: History, options, DoW advice
Shapland Swamp
Wetland monitoring
Riparian Nutrient Management
Before and after riparian management: sediment and nutrient exports from a small agricultural catchment
Nutrient Status
Patterns of nutrient status and fertiliser practice on soils of the south coast of Western Australia
Ecological Water Requirements for Wilson Inlet
Powerpoint presentation: Environmental water requirements for priority water resources in the south coast region
Wilson Inlet and the catchment
Powerpoint presentation: Climate disruption; Rainfall and Riverflow; Biology in the Inlet; Future outlook
Climate Change
The impact of climate change on rainfall and streamflow in the Denmark River catchment
WINRAP newsletters