Feral Management
1080 landholder information
Before using 1080, PAPP or strychnine you need to complete appropriate training, ensure you comply with relevant Acts, Regulations and Legislation, and must apply for and obtain the appropriate permit(s) to purchase and use these chemicals.
How to obtain a Permit
1. All users must have completed and passed the online registered pesticide training. Click TRANING COURSE to complete 2. If you meet all the listed requirements click APPLICATION FORM
3. Send in your application form
How to set a feral cat trap
Feral pigs
The Lake Muir Denbarker Community Feral Pig Eradication Group (LMDCFPEG) was established in 2001 as farmers became concerned about the increasing incidence of feral pig incursions. The LMDCFPEG aims to eradicate feral pigs from agricultural land and establish a low pig density buffer zone on the public interface area. The ‘report a pig’ page provides a quick and easy means for landholders, land managers and members of the public to report feral pig activity. Information collected will be collated by the LMDCFPEG, treated confidentially, and used to plan future control programs. The group has a team of accredited, experienced feral pig trappers who are authorised to undertake control work on some DBCA land, and can provide assistance or advice to land managers wanting to undertake their own control work.